Wednesday 31 May 2017

How to avoid pain while kneeling and the ultimate protection

As a child growing-up you were probably told on numerous occasions to brush your teeth to avoid tooth decay, to stop slouching to avoid back ache and to eat your carrots for perfect night-time vision. But, did anyone ever tell you to protect the cartilage of your knees? Not likely! We only tend to worry about our knees when it is too late and the pain becomes intense.

The role of cartilage in our bodies including our knees is to reduce friction, act as a cushion between joints and help support our weight when we walk, bend or stretch.

Once the cartilage around the knee joint breaks down the damage can't be reversed. Taking good care of our knees from an early age, will go a long way to avoiding osteoarthritis and knee replacement.

Factors that cause knee pain

  • Age - wear and tear over the years 
  • Weight - being overweight is the cause of various health problems including knee pain
  • Lack of exercise - 
  • Athletes - as a result of overuse or injury
  • Job-related factors - kneeling for long periods on a hard or rough surface, frequent lifting of heavy objects, standing for long periods and stair climbing

Ways to reduce knee pain and avoid osteoarthritis

When cartilage starts to wear-down it is referred to by the medical condition, osteoarthritis.
  • Avoid weight gain - keep your weight under control. Your knees support the weight of your body and when you are mobile they have to bear the force three times that of your body weight. Therefore there is a direct correlation between being overweight and suffering the osteoarthritis of the knees.
  • Exercise - low impact exercise for at least 30 minutes five times per week (150 hours/week is the minimum amount of exercise we need to avoid all age related illnesses). This gets the heart pumping and blood flowing to the cartilage of our knees keeping them well nourished and pain-free. Of course the rest of your body benefits too! Exercise will also help reduce or maintain a healthy body weight. Exercises such as swimming, cycling and walking are ideal.
  • Limit long periods of immobility - building muscle around the knee joint will offer long-term protection. Muscle around our bodies joints cushions them and acts as a 'shock-absorber' when moving about or playing sport.
  • Avoid injury - this doesn't mean avoiding the challenge of life, but rather about taking precautions to offer the best possible protection to our knees while playing sport, keeping active or pursuing a chosen career.  Using knee guards, knee pads and knee mats will give knees the support and protection they deserve!

Does your job involve kneeling? Carpenters, tilers, gardeners, mechanics, plumbers, electricians, child care providers and builders are professions which all involve kneeling on hard surfaces or those with the risk of splinters, nails or gravel digging in to the knee. Providing sufficient protection with the use of a knee mat or knee pads will be a huge advantage. Thin foam knee pads are helpful but they soon collapse or compact rendering them ineffective in offering any form of adequate support.

Knee pads that you can attach around your knees if you are constantly up a down from a kneeling position is another great option. There are many designs available on the market but going for the cheapest option is not always the wise choice - go for a design that will maintain it's protective cushioning as well as comfort.

Another knee protection option is an ergonomically designed knee pad. KneePal was launched to market four years ago initially designed to support the knees of moms and dads while kneeling at the bath tub to bathe their young children. But, it's unique design concept and support has since lead to the KneePal being extended to numerous situations and jobs where kneeling is regular and uncomfortable!

Features of KneePal that make it one of the best!

  • Waterproof polyurethane kneeling pad - so no more soggy towels to kneel on.
  • Ergonomically designed to cushion your knees and support your back while kneeling - prevents the onset of Bursitis.
  • Takes the agonising discomfort out of kneeling on cold hard surfaces.
  • Soft moulded knees for the ultimate in kneeling comfort for bath-time, gardening, DIY enthusiasts, auto-mechanics, plumbers, carpenters, roofers, electricians - for anyone who spends time on their knees.
  • Light, portable design so easy to carry around with you.
  • Alters the ergonomics of kneeling forever!

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